Bill Hecht
Studio 559
[email protected]

Robots, the future was supposed to be full of them. I grew up in the shadow of Apollo, transfixed as massive machines left Pad 39A. As a boy I devoured episodes of The Thunderbirds, Star Trek, Dr. Who, books by Asimov, Clark and Heinlein. They promised a future of adventure and mystery accompanied by a faithful metal companion; not a Roomba or a self-driving car.
I have always loved creating. So, given the robotless state of my present, I grabbed some tools and took remnants from my past to make my missing future. Using cast-offs from a time before transistors, I try to create something with aesthetic unity. I want my robots to look real, used and to make people smile. Each piece I finish brings me a bit closer to the future I imagined, the one I never got, so let me share with you the way it could have been.
I have always loved creating. So, given the robotless state of my present, I grabbed some tools and took remnants from my past to make my missing future. Using cast-offs from a time before transistors, I try to create something with aesthetic unity. I want my robots to look real, used and to make people smile. Each piece I finish brings me a bit closer to the future I imagined, the one I never got, so let me share with you the way it could have been.