Loading Dock Gallery Job Responsibilities
Gallery Manager – Work with team leaders to oversee all gallery functions and assure that all legal and financial responsibilities are met. Prepare a managers report to present at the monthly meeting of the Board of Directors and act as liaison to the board in setting policy and direction for the gallery. Schedule four quarterly meetings for the members to present changes in policy, inform of important updates, and discuss concerns.
Assistant Gallery Manager – Work closely with the gallery manager with the goal of becoming the next manager
Note Taker- Take notes at the monthly meetings and post them on the member’s website page.
MEMBERSHIP TEAM (Member Relations)
Review Committee – Meet with prospective gallery members to make sure everyone has realistic expectations; ideally, one person from each media.
Review Committee Leader - Contact prospective member when the new member form is received, schedule the explanatory meeting and contact the prospect with the committee decision of acceptance/denial; forward new member info to the new member liaison and membership list. Assure that the membership application, dues and W-9 have been delivered and the manager has been notified.
New Member Liaison – Welcome new members, be available to answer questions (via phone, email, or in-person) and connect members to appropriate resources. Assure that the new member is in contact with a member for training.
New Member Training – New members are scheduled with existing members during their gallery sitting hours to cover gallery sitting procedures, using the square, schedule sign up, making labels, and other membership responsibilities and requirements.
MARKETING TEAM (Event Promotion)
Plan and execute a creative marketing strategy to further the outreach of the gallery.
PROMOTION TEAM (Event Promotion)
Event Promotion Leader – Set and monitor the schedule for who will write the press release for each show; oversee the quality of the gallery’s event promotion tasks and assure things are getting done; keep the gallery manager and members informed of progress and issues.
Press Release Manager –Distribute the press releases and submit events to on-line calendar services.
Press Release Writers – Working with the information from the artists/show managers, write press releases for the monthly and bi-monthly shows following a standard LDG template.
Postcard Design and Production – Design the monthly show postcards and work with the printer; notify the member that will be picking them up that they are ready. Create, and send to production, vinyl lettering and other design needs that the showcase/display team may need; notify the gallery manager of any problems or issues.
Postcard Distribution – Pick up postcards and lettering from the printer and drop off at the gallery; distribute to assigned sites each month and remove the old ones. Keep a tally of how many are used in each location and adjust the number of postcards and/or the site accordingly.
Reception Photography – Take photographs during the monthly show receptions, send them to the social media “Guru” and LDG webmaster.
Social Media – “Guru” – Keep the gallery’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts filled with news about our members and activities.
Email Newsletter – Prepare and send a monthly newsletter covering all gallery/Loading Dock Arts events.
SHOWCASE TEAM (Curatorial)
Showcase Exhibit Scheduling – Gallery Manager and Team Leaders schedule the monthly exhibits in the Showcase and Back Door Galleries.
Showcase Team Leader - Oversee the allocation of space and the quality of the gallery’s exhibits, hang the monthly shows assisted by the showcase team. Work with monthly Show artists and managers concerning exhibition layout. Keep the gallery manager informed of progress and issues.
Back Door Gallery Team Leader - Oversee and schedule the Back Door Gallery exhibitors, alert promotion of exhibit changes, order vinyl lettering as needed. Assure things are getting done; keep the gallery manager and members informed of progress and issues.
Exhibit Hangers – Work with the Display Team Leader, Showcase Team Leader, Back Door Gallery Team Leader and show managers to hang the exhibits and provide hanging assistance as needed during gallery change outs.
DISPLAY TEAM (Curatorial)
Display Team Leader – Oversee the allocation of space and the quality of the gallery’s retail displays; assure things are getting done; keep the gallery manager and members informed of progress and issues.
Gallery Labels Manager – Assure that exhibiting members have submitted their labels correctly, print labels, and affix exhibit labels when necessary.
Webmaster – Manage the overall look of the LDG website and assure that it is always current, monitor the content on gallery pages.
Website Membership Page – Manage the artist listings and membership list. Post procedure and policy documentation and assure that it is always current.
Gallery Sitting Scheduler –Edit the scheduling calendar quarterly; issue the notice that’s it’s time to sign up; monitor the calendar to make sure there is someone scheduled to gallery sit whenever the gallery is open and that everyone is fulfilling their gallery sitting obligation; send a note to members who have not scheduled sitting time.
Technology Oversight – Maintain the Square, scheduling systems and the domain information.
Online Sales – Institute and the process for online sales using Square.
HOSPITALITY TEAM (Event Promotion)
Plan and execute the monthly reception and others as needed. Create a professional and creative menu for each reception, shop for the necessary ingredients, prepare food and drink, set up tables, clean up dishes, put away tables. Each member is required to serve on the team once per year.
Hospitality Team Leader – Organize the reception and food preparation, assign shopping lists, coordinate table setup and cleanup.
Maintain the physical condition of the gallery, cleaning, maintenance, and repair.
BOOKKEEPER (Operations)
Weekly - Record the week’s sales and other sources of income such as show entry fees, membership dues, and donations. Record and pay invoices and reimbursement requests from members. Record the number of visitors. Make a deposit into the gallery bank account. Add new members into the system as needed. Record income for LDE and LDA and create deposits and payments from these accounts as needed.
Monthly – Pay members for their sales and report the sales tax to MassDOR. Meet with the Treasurer to reconcile the four LDA bank accounts.
Gallery Manager – Work with team leaders to oversee all gallery functions and assure that all legal and financial responsibilities are met. Prepare a managers report to present at the monthly meeting of the Board of Directors and act as liaison to the board in setting policy and direction for the gallery. Schedule four quarterly meetings for the members to present changes in policy, inform of important updates, and discuss concerns.
Assistant Gallery Manager – Work closely with the gallery manager with the goal of becoming the next manager
Note Taker- Take notes at the monthly meetings and post them on the member’s website page.
MEMBERSHIP TEAM (Member Relations)
Review Committee – Meet with prospective gallery members to make sure everyone has realistic expectations; ideally, one person from each media.
Review Committee Leader - Contact prospective member when the new member form is received, schedule the explanatory meeting and contact the prospect with the committee decision of acceptance/denial; forward new member info to the new member liaison and membership list. Assure that the membership application, dues and W-9 have been delivered and the manager has been notified.
New Member Liaison – Welcome new members, be available to answer questions (via phone, email, or in-person) and connect members to appropriate resources. Assure that the new member is in contact with a member for training.
New Member Training – New members are scheduled with existing members during their gallery sitting hours to cover gallery sitting procedures, using the square, schedule sign up, making labels, and other membership responsibilities and requirements.
MARKETING TEAM (Event Promotion)
Plan and execute a creative marketing strategy to further the outreach of the gallery.
PROMOTION TEAM (Event Promotion)
Event Promotion Leader – Set and monitor the schedule for who will write the press release for each show; oversee the quality of the gallery’s event promotion tasks and assure things are getting done; keep the gallery manager and members informed of progress and issues.
Press Release Manager –Distribute the press releases and submit events to on-line calendar services.
Press Release Writers – Working with the information from the artists/show managers, write press releases for the monthly and bi-monthly shows following a standard LDG template.
Postcard Design and Production – Design the monthly show postcards and work with the printer; notify the member that will be picking them up that they are ready. Create, and send to production, vinyl lettering and other design needs that the showcase/display team may need; notify the gallery manager of any problems or issues.
Postcard Distribution – Pick up postcards and lettering from the printer and drop off at the gallery; distribute to assigned sites each month and remove the old ones. Keep a tally of how many are used in each location and adjust the number of postcards and/or the site accordingly.
Reception Photography – Take photographs during the monthly show receptions, send them to the social media “Guru” and LDG webmaster.
Social Media – “Guru” – Keep the gallery’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts filled with news about our members and activities.
Email Newsletter – Prepare and send a monthly newsletter covering all gallery/Loading Dock Arts events.
SHOWCASE TEAM (Curatorial)
Showcase Exhibit Scheduling – Gallery Manager and Team Leaders schedule the monthly exhibits in the Showcase and Back Door Galleries.
Showcase Team Leader - Oversee the allocation of space and the quality of the gallery’s exhibits, hang the monthly shows assisted by the showcase team. Work with monthly Show artists and managers concerning exhibition layout. Keep the gallery manager informed of progress and issues.
Back Door Gallery Team Leader - Oversee and schedule the Back Door Gallery exhibitors, alert promotion of exhibit changes, order vinyl lettering as needed. Assure things are getting done; keep the gallery manager and members informed of progress and issues.
Exhibit Hangers – Work with the Display Team Leader, Showcase Team Leader, Back Door Gallery Team Leader and show managers to hang the exhibits and provide hanging assistance as needed during gallery change outs.
DISPLAY TEAM (Curatorial)
Display Team Leader – Oversee the allocation of space and the quality of the gallery’s retail displays; assure things are getting done; keep the gallery manager and members informed of progress and issues.
Gallery Labels Manager – Assure that exhibiting members have submitted their labels correctly, print labels, and affix exhibit labels when necessary.
Webmaster – Manage the overall look of the LDG website and assure that it is always current, monitor the content on gallery pages.
Website Membership Page – Manage the artist listings and membership list. Post procedure and policy documentation and assure that it is always current.
Gallery Sitting Scheduler –Edit the scheduling calendar quarterly; issue the notice that’s it’s time to sign up; monitor the calendar to make sure there is someone scheduled to gallery sit whenever the gallery is open and that everyone is fulfilling their gallery sitting obligation; send a note to members who have not scheduled sitting time.
Technology Oversight – Maintain the Square, scheduling systems and the domain information.
Online Sales – Institute and the process for online sales using Square.
HOSPITALITY TEAM (Event Promotion)
Plan and execute the monthly reception and others as needed. Create a professional and creative menu for each reception, shop for the necessary ingredients, prepare food and drink, set up tables, clean up dishes, put away tables. Each member is required to serve on the team once per year.
Hospitality Team Leader – Organize the reception and food preparation, assign shopping lists, coordinate table setup and cleanup.
Maintain the physical condition of the gallery, cleaning, maintenance, and repair.
BOOKKEEPER (Operations)
Weekly - Record the week’s sales and other sources of income such as show entry fees, membership dues, and donations. Record and pay invoices and reimbursement requests from members. Record the number of visitors. Make a deposit into the gallery bank account. Add new members into the system as needed. Record income for LDE and LDA and create deposits and payments from these accounts as needed.
Monthly – Pay members for their sales and report the sales tax to MassDOR. Meet with the Treasurer to reconcile the four LDA bank accounts.