Kurt Hanss
Kurt Hanss is a painter, illustrator, and maker currently working out of Lowell, Massachusetts.His current creative focus has been painting, and his work has recently included exciting new experiments with color theory and design. Kurt’s paintings invoke a sense of vibrant movement, combining kaleidoscopic colors in unexpected ways to breathe life into favorite objects and refreshing scenes. Some of his preferred subjects include vintage vehicles, machinery, and neglected objects. In the artists own words, “I have always been drawn to abandoned things. Particularly cars and trucks that have started to fall into the hands of nature. I love to paint the intense colors of rusted metal and try to reinterpret the vibrant beauty of the patina.”
Sticky Buns | 2008 | Acrylic on Canvas | 36" x 48"
Car Lot | 2006 | Acrylic on Canvas | 36" x 48"