Priscilla Levesque
[email protected]

Since moving to Lowell about six years ago, I have spent considerable time walking around the city seeking subjects to paint. Rather than working on location, I take photos and then do the paintings in my studio. I like this approach because I can
be mindful of the whole composition, rather than fussing to reproduce small details.
For several years I have used the pointillist technique, which was developed by
the French artist Georges Seurat in the 1880’s. He built up color by juxtaposing
tiny dots of various hues, which merge together when seen at a distance. With this technique of “optical mixing”, the color mixtures occur in the eyes rather than on the palette.
The medium I use is casein, an opaque water-base paint. He advantages are
that casein dries fast, needs no special solvents and; since it is opaque, colors can
be overlaid quite easily. In my painting process, I often change my mind and I find
that changes are quite easy with casein.
be mindful of the whole composition, rather than fussing to reproduce small details.
For several years I have used the pointillist technique, which was developed by
the French artist Georges Seurat in the 1880’s. He built up color by juxtaposing
tiny dots of various hues, which merge together when seen at a distance. With this technique of “optical mixing”, the color mixtures occur in the eyes rather than on the palette.
The medium I use is casein, an opaque water-base paint. He advantages are
that casein dries fast, needs no special solvents and; since it is opaque, colors can
be overlaid quite easily. In my painting process, I often change my mind and I find
that changes are quite easy with casein.